16 . August . 2023

IA, a strategic ally of law and accounting

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computing, technology and science that has had enormous development in the last decade, coming to...
11 . July . 2023

Privacy and data protection, a global concern

Does your organization comply with the standards set by law in the handling of personal data? Do you know what your responsibility is in handling...
14 . January . 2019

Escrow Agreements: Definition and enterprise use

By Juan Carlos Gallegos, Partner of ILP Global – Gallegos, Valarezo & Neira
15 . November . 2018

Ecuador makes important advancements towards international fiscal transparency

On October 29th, 2018 at the OECD Headquarters in Paris, the General Director of the Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador, signed the Multilateral...
13 . September . 2018

Data Protection and Cyber Security in Argentina

The effective management of data protection and cyber security is one of the most important topics that large companies deal in today's digital...
23 . July . 2018

5 keys to the success of multilatina companies in Latin America

Companies with an international vision have managed to achieve profitability and sustained growth while facing the turbulent flows of Latin America....
20 . June . 2018

Importance of online internationalization of businesses in the age of digital transformation

The digital transformation is currently a key element for the international projection of any SME. The foreign connection through the online channel...
7 . November . 2017

Business Internationalization and Tax Planning Forums – Lima 2017

Last Thursday, October 26, 2017, our Business Internationalization and Tax Planning Forums (Foros de Internacionalización de Empresas y Planeación...
19 . June . 2017

Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, and Mexico are among the Latin American countries with greater difficulty for corporate compliance

By: Espinosa & Asociados Colombia heads the unfortunate list, being the second country in the American continent and the sixth worldwide in the...
18 . June . 2017

Al día con su Declaración de Precios de Transferencia

By: Ara-Law Abogados El 5 de junio de 2017, se publicó en Costa Rica la Resolución No. DGT-R-28-2017 en el Diario Oficial "La Gaceta", en su...
6 . June . 2017

Apostille Convention is Helping Investors Using Foreign Documents in Brazil

Doing business in Brazil is getting easier for foreigners. While investors still face heaping amounts of red tape and bureaucracy, one change made by...
6 . June . 2017

Italian law aims to encourage foreign internet companies to pay more tax

Italian legislation proposed May 22 would increase tax collection from foreign multinationals that have online activities in Italy. Under to the new...
2 . May . 2017

New international treaties to avoid Double Taxation in Chile that come into effect in 2017

Starting this year, six new double tax treaties signed by Chile have entered into force and are in full application with the following countries:...
12 . April . 2017

BRAZIL – An EIRELI (Empresa Individual de Responsabilidade Limitada – Individual Limited Liability Company) – may now be formed by a corporate entity

São Paulo, April 10th, 2017 Brazilian Normative Instruction No. 38/2017 recently reviewed the text of the EIRELI Registration Manual, which...
23 . December . 2016

Costa Rica: New Draft Bill to Avoid Tax Fraud

On December 13th, Costa Rica’s government approved the Draft Bill to Avoid Tax Fraud. The draft bill is focused on creating a register of...
21 . December . 2016

Brazil adds Ireland to the list of Tax Haven jurisdictions

Brazil’s tax department has defined Ireland as a “fiscal paradise,” a term used to refer to a tax haven. The categorization means that Brazilian...
23 . November . 2016

Untying the Gordian knot: Progressive liberalization of foreign exchange controls in Argentina

The total liberalization of foreign exchange controls in Argentina remains a pending issue on the agenda of the Executive Branch and the Central...
3 . October . 2016

Use of Offshore Companies in Ecuador

Due to controversies like the Panama Papers or the recent Bahama Leaks, offshore companies or companies based in tax havens have gained a damaged...
5 . August . 2016

Brazil’s Central Bank Foreign Capital Census

Since 1996, Brazil has required companies that have foreign shareholders to report on the investments these shareholders have in the country....
4 . August . 2016

Tax haven informative return exemption is eliminated in Mexico

On July 14 the Mexican tax authority published an amendment to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution for 2016 (the “MTR”). Among other changes, this...
17 . May . 2016

Chile Day 2016 Strengthens International Ties

Last Friday, May 13th, the UK hosted the sixth consecutive Chile Day in London, an international showcase for Chile’s highly attractive investment...
17 . May . 2016

Argentina will offer a Tax Amnesty before the Automatic Exchange of Information with Major OECD and G20 Nations begins in 2017

Written by: Eduardo Augusto Aguilera, LL.M. – Senior Associate Tax at RCTZZ Abogados
23 . September . 2015

Brazil’s tax increase on financial institutions expected by October 1st

The social contribution tax for financial institutions is expected to increase from 15% to 20% until 2019 in order to raise funds to balance the...